
The National Electric Power Company, which operates in electric power transmission and management services, is committed to applying the occupational safety, health and environment management systems, and is committed to providing a safe and healthy place to work in all locations and neighboring areas. It is also committed to minimizing any negative impact on occupational safety and health, the environment and social life that may result from the activities of the National Electric Power Company.

The National Electric Power Company undertakes to work to promote advanced performance standards in the fields of occupational safety, health and the environment through the implementation of international standards (ISO 14001: 2004 and OHSAS 18001: 2007).

Through this policy, the National Electric Power Company believes in the following principles:

  • To provide a safe and healthy work environment for all its employees, and to carry out its various activities in a safe manner, to protect workers from injury and ill health as a main goal, as the company believes that safety and occupational health are a core value that must be integrated into all of our work.
  • Preserving the health and safety of the National Electric Power Company's workers and protecting the environment, as well as respecting public interests and rights, are among the basic goals and objectives of the National Electric Power Company.
  • The management of the National Electric Power Company is committed to local legislation and legal requirements and to providing international best practices.
  • Everyone who works with the company has the right to work in a safe and healthy environment, in exchange for each individual taking responsibility for contributing to the creation of this safe environment through responsible behavior in developing and implementing work plans in accordance with the occupational safety, health and environment management system.
  • The company's management undertakes to publish the occupational health, safety and environment policy and to familiarize all employees with it. The company undertakes to identify hazards, evaluate and monitor risks, continue to apply, review, adhere to and follow up on continuous improvement of environmental performance, occupational safety and health, and prevent pollution.
  • The company is committed to taking all necessary precautions to prevent losses in the company's property by applying the occupational safety, health and environment management system in order to control business risks. The management is responsible for preventing injuries, accidents and occupational diseases associated with work.
  • Achieving these goals and principles is vital to our achievement of excellence.