
In 2022, NEPCO continued implementing projects to strengthen electrical interconnection networks with neighboring countries. In terms of electrical interconnection with Egypt, the company continued its efforts to complete work on a project to raise the capabilities of electric energy exchange between the two countries. This strategic project is considered one of the most prominent Arab projects that achieved success and benefits for both systems.

The implementation of the project to raise the supply capacity to Palestine (Jerusalem Electricity Company) from (40) MW currently to (80) MW has also been completed, through the construction of the Ramah substation project 132/33 kV, with a transformative capacity (80) M.V.A As for the Jordanian-Iraqi electrical interconnection project, the National Electric Power Company has begun to take the necessary measures to implement the project, as the necessary bids have been put forward for the construction of the new Al-Rishah substation, and the construction of the electrical interconnection line between the station and the Al-Qaim substation in Iraq.

With regard to the Jordanian-Saudi electrical interconnection project, the preparation of all technical and economic studies related to the project has been completed and a memorandum of understanding was signed between the two countries to prepare the three project agreements (interconnection, operation and commercial), according to the final formula that was agreed upon between the two parties. This is expected to be completed Executing the project and starting commercial operation by the end of 2025.

These projects are considered an important step towards the establishment of a common Arab market for energy and electricity, and a pioneering experience to achieve the required Arab economic integration, which will positively affect all economic sectors of the Arab countries.

Electrical Interconnection Projects with Jordan

Interconnection Project Project Status Voltage (k.V) Length (km) Capacity (M.W)
Egyptian-Jordanian Electrical Interconnection (sea cable) The energy exchange contract between the Jordanian and Egyptian sides has been renewed for the year 2022. 400 13 550
The Jordanian-Syrian Electrical Interconnection During the year 2021, no exchange of electrical energy took place between the two countries 400 147 300-800
The Jordanian-Lebanese Electrical Interconnection A contract was signed for the exchange of electric energy between the Jordanian and Lebanese sides, and an agreement to pass electric energy through the Syrian grid, in early 2022, as it is scheduled that Lebanon will be supplied with (150) MW during the period from (24:00-6:00), And with (250) MW from (6:00 - 24:00) 132 Through Syrian Grid 150-250
The Jordanian-Palestinian Electrical Interconnection (Jericho)
  • An agreement for the construction of the Rama substation 33/132 kV (the first phase) was signed on May 9, 2021, with a conversion capacity of (1x80) MVA, for the purpose of raising the capacity of supplying electrical energy exported to the Jerusalem Electricity Company from (40) M.W. to (80) M.W
  • It is expected that the implementation of the Al-Rama substation project will be completed during the first half of the year 2022
132 30 80
The Jordanian-Saudi Electrical Interconnection
  • The technical and economic studies of the project have been completed by an international consultant, and a memorandum of understanding has been signed between the two countries represented by the Saudi Ministry of Electricity and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, with the aim of authorizing the concerned companies in both countries (the National Electric Power Company and the Saudi Electricity Company) to negotiate to prepare agreements Linking, and choosing the best model for financing the project.
  • Work is currently underway to reach final formulas for the agreements (connection, operation and commercial).
400 112 in Jordanian Territory + 52 in Saudi Territory 500 in the first stage and to become 1000 in the second stage
The Jordanian-Gulf-Egyptian Electrical Interconnection Technical, economic and environmental feasibility studies for the project have been completed through an international consultant, and coordination is currently underway to draw a road map for the project that includes the timetable for its completion stages. 400 1958 2000
The Jordanian-Iraqi Electrical Interconnection
  • A contract for the supply of electric power from the Jordanian side to the Iraqi side was signed as a first stage for the project, on September 27, 2020.
  • The mechanism for implementing the project was signed between the Jordanian side, represented by the National Electricity Company, and the Iraqi side, represented by the General Company for Electricity Transmission (Central Region), on July 15, 2021.
  • The National Electric Power Company has initiated the procedures for implementing the project, by preparing the necessary bids for the construction of the new Al Risha substation, and the construction of the electrical link between the Al Risha substation and the Al Qaim substation in Iraq.
400 330 in Iraqi Territory + 6 in Jordanian Territory 150-200